Grégoire-Besson Voyager S70


Highly productive ploughs:
fewer passes and optimized fuel consumption.

Voyager S70
Category Name
Sale Type
Manufacturer Qty
400 hp
Working Width
4,50 m.
Semi-mounted Plough
from 5 to 9 furrows
ploughing in-furrow or ploughing on-land?


Suitable for small to medium tractors, in-furrow ploughs make ploughing easier.

The tractor wheels sit in the furrow for good grip and traction, especially in wet conditions.

The furrow guides the tractor which is especially useful if you do not have GPS guidance.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


On-land ploughs are suitable for high power tractors, including tracked, twin wheels or wheels over 710 mm in width. By working on-land, tyre wear is reduced, especially on flinty soils.

The Grégoire Besson semi-mounted on-land ploughs allow you to work either in-furrow or on-land.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


multi-position or vario?


If you always work with the same conditions (soil, plot layout, climate, crops, etc.), you probably won’t need to change your working width often.

When it is necessary, you simply loosen the working width adjustment bolts and position the plough bodies on the desired working width indicators. This only takes a few minutes.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


For ploughs used by several people (for example, in a cooperative) or when you have to plough in varying conditions (subcontracting, farms with different soils or crops, different terrains, etc.), we recommend the Vario system.

From the cab, you can adjust your working width and adapt to your needs in a few seconds. This is particularly useful in small plots and in headlands.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


a choice of 2 safety systems


If your soil is not stony, you can choose the shear bolt safety system.

If you hit a foreign body, the shear bolt gives way, the ploughing element rises and lets the object pass.

The shearing noise alerts you, so you stop and extract the sheared bolt. Simply replace the shear bolt and start ploughing again.

If you happen to hit an obstacle, this safety feature prevents damage to your plough or tractor.

The shear bolts give way when a force of between 4.2 and 6 tons is exerted at the tip, depending on the height of the elements and the type of bolt used.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Non-Stop Hydraulic

If you have stony soil, we recommend non-stop hydraulic safety.

If you hit a foreign body, the ploughing element rises (up to 85 cm) and lets the object pass. After, the safety cylinder returns the element to its position. The 4 ball joints guide the element’s support and

You don’t have to leave the cab, you can continue ploughing without worrying about stones.

This type of safety extends the service life of your replacement parts as well as your plough. You can be assured of long equipment life and maximum productivity.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70
For very clayey and stony soils, we recommend high capacity non-stop hydraulic safety.

This will enable you to have perfectly levelled ploughing because it restricts activation of the safety system in the most compacted soil areas.

Whether you need the hydraulic or the high capacity hydraulic safety system, you can choose between 3 cylinder diameters: standard, large or very large. The heavier your soil, the larger the diameter you will need.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70
Finally, you can fine-tune your hydraulic safety configuration by choosing 100 or 150 bar pressure accumulators. Here too, the more your soil drags your plough, the higher the pressure we recommend.

If your plot’s soil structure is very uneven, you’ll be interested in the continuous pressure adjusting valve option. You can adjust the hydraulics directly from the tractor cab.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


smart design

Smooth turning

Turning your plough can be stressful. Whether you have the rack and pinion system or the double cylinder system, the Voyager can be turned smoothly even at the tipping point.

You can reverse the turning process at any time.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Rear lifting or articulation

On the carriage models, the rear lifting jack allows you to deal with headlands smoothly and perform delicate manœuvres.

The roller joint enables you to follow ground contours.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

110 articulated headstock

Voyager’s 110 headstock articulation gives you optimum manoeuvrability. Comfortable and efficient on plots with complex geometry, it enables you to perform short and fast headland manœuvres.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


The Voyager Z-shaped beam on single wheelers means that the wheel passage is covered by the last body. In addition, this beam allows the chassis to pass close to the wheel when turning.

The centre of gravity is lowered and manoeuvring is safer.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Load transfer

On rack and pinion models, you can fit a load transfer cylinder that enables you to shift weight to the rear of the tractor to give better traction.

You reduce your fuel consumption while optimizing grip.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


On Voyager, the hydraulic offset management enables you to adapt to tractor tracks from 1.3 to 4.7 m width. This hydraulic adjustment offers you a precise, simple and efficient setting.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Adding or removing a body

If you change to a higher or lower power tractor, you can add or remove a ploughing body. Remember to specify this when configuring your plough. You don’t have to change ploughs when you change tractors.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Simple settings

You can set the working depth in 3 places: the tractor lift at the front, a stop screw on the carriage (depending on the model) and another on the depth wheel. To adjust tilt, simply adjust the stop screws located either side of the headstock. That’s it, you’re ready.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Hydraulic controls

With the hydraulic selector you can have up to 6 hydraulic controls in the cab even if you only have 3 hydraulic valves on your tractor.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Positioning the plough

When you’re manoeuvring in headlands, turning the plough one way then the other helps you to position it. This means you can position and guide it exactly where you want.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


precise ploughing from 15 to 40 cm deep over different working widths.

Crumbled ploughing

The step before seedbed preparation

If you are about to plant a crop, crumbled ploughing enables you to mix the material just before passing with a seedbed preparer.

This step makes it easier to pass with the seedbed preparer while weeding and enriching the lower soil layer.

Crumbled ploughing can be carried out at fairly high speed and results in a flatter soil.
Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Over winter ploughing

Let water and oxygen enter the soil

If you need to do winter ploughing, especially in clayey soils, it can be valuable to do deeper, high furrow ploughing. This allows you to channel the water, which during winter will turn into frost and break up the ground.

Crumbled ploughing also allows oxygen to penetrate the intermediate layers of the soil. In spring, this will make ploughing and sowing easier.

Crumbled ploughing, which is carried out with a helicoidal mouldboard, has a better capacity to bury organic matter. It maintains the structure on the surface for a few months without work and helps the germination of weeds present in the soil.
Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


the benefits and agronomical advantages of ploughing

Soil structure

Ploughing improves soil structure. By turning and loosening the soil, ploughing allows air and water to circulate.

Then freezing and thawing actions break up the soil, creating a structure that is suitable for cultivation.

Ploughing is an effective step in seedbed preparation.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


Ploughing allows you to introduce organic fertilizers into the soil (manure, slurry, residues, plant cover, grassland...)

Ploughing gives you the opportunity to provide important nutrients (such as phosphorus, potassium, etc.) for the roots of your future crop.

By diluting these elements in large volumes of soil, ploughing helps to sustain future crops.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Weed control

Ploughing buries weed seeds deep enough so that they do not germinate and then compete with your crop.

This cleans the soil surface mechanically and lowers input costs for farmers. No chemical action is necessary.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Water flow

Ploughing allows water to infiltrate and circulate freely and so limit retention.

By circulating within the intermediate and deep layers, water does not create a crust which prevents erosion of the nutrient-rich surface.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Extreme weather

When droughts or heavy rains prevent straightforward cultivation, ploughing provides a viable solution.

By bringing a uniform and balanced level of moisture into the different layers, planting becomes possible again despite challenging conditions.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


Ploughing makes nitrogen less volatile by trapping it in the soil which accelerates mineralization.

Nitrogen accelerates the decomposition of organic matter. Existing crops benefit from its increased availability.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


which type of body should i choose?

Body with bolt-on pointsGrégoire Besson Voyager S70

Body with bar pointsGrégoire Besson Voyager S70


mouldboards for bodies with bolt-on points

Helico-cylindrical AR5H

Mouldboard for moulded ploughing from 18 to 27 cm deep in all types of soil. Suitable for cutting widths from 14 to 18’’ (35 to 45 cm).Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Long Helicoidal AR8HLM

Mouldboard for moulded ploughing from 22 to 32 cm deep in clayey and silty soils. Suitable for cutting widths from 16 to 22’’ (40 to 55 cm).Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Short Helicoidal AR4H

Mouldboard for moulded ploughing from 18 to 25 cm deep in all types of soil. Suitable for cutting widths from 12 to 16’’ (30 to 40 cm).Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Helicoidal E7

This mouldboard is designed for moulded and very deep ploughing from 28 to 38 cm deep for all types of soil. Suitable for cutting widths from 14 to 18’’ (35 to 45 cm).Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Long Helicoidal H6

Mouldboard for moulded ploughing 15 to 20 cm deep in clayey soils. Suitable for cutting widths from 16 to 20’’ (40 to 50 cm).Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Long Helicoidal H8

Mouldboard for moulded ploughing from 18 to 30 cm deep in clayey soils. Suitable for cutting widths from 18 to 22’’ (45 to 55 cm).Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Long Plastic Helicoidal H8

Mouldboard for moulded ploughing in stone-free and very sticky clayey soils.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Cylindrical C16S

Mouldboard for crumbled ploughing from 20 to 30 cm deep in sandy, silty and clayey soils. Suitable for cutting widths from 14 to 20’’ (35 to 50 cm).Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Cylindrical C14S

Mouldboard for crumbled ploughing from 20 to 30 cm deep in sandy, silty and clayey soils. Suitable for cutting widths from 12 to 16’’ (30 to 40 cm).Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Helico-cylindrical M1

Mouldboard for ploughing 15 to 22 cm deep in chalky and sticky soils. Suitable for 12 to 16’’ (30 to 40 cm) cutting widths.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Slatted CV7 10

Helicoidal mouldboard for ploughing 20 to 30 cm deep in heavy soils. Suitable for cutting widths from 35 to 55 cm. The blades can be replaced individually for greater savings.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Slatted CV9 12

Helicoidal mouldboard for ploughing 22 to 35 cm deep in heavy soils. Suitable for cutting widths from 35 to 55 cm. The blades can be replaced individually for greater savings.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


skimmers, trash boards, disc coulters, etc.

Mixed Skimmer

The short coulter and mouldboard make this combination very versatile. It is suitable for 80% of applications.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Plastic Mixed Skimmer

The plastic mouldboard enables the surface to be scalped, even with very sticky soils.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Universal Skimmer

Its wider coulter and longer mouldboard enable this combination to handle larger volumes of plants than the mixed skimmer.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Maize Skimmer

The high mouldboard guarantees a smooth passage through tall plants such as corn, sunflower, etc.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Pasture Skimmer

The very long mouldboard enables it to turn over very dense root systems such as those found in grasslands.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


Used mainly in winter ploughing, it positions the residues of large plants vertically to improve water infiltration.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Spring-mounted Disc Coulter

Suitable for stony soils. It cuts plants and soil 10 cm in front of the body. It creates a clean furrow base and wall that provides better grip to the tractor.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Bolted Disc Coulter

Suitable for lightly stony soils. It cuts plants and soil 10 cm in front of the body. It creates a clean furrow base and wall that provides better grip to the tractor.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Knife coulter

It cuts a strip of earth to stop the furrow wall attaching to the mouldboard and helps prevent it from crumbling.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Mouldboard extension

The mouldboard extension positions the earth for precise finishing. It limits wear at the end of the mouldboard.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Spike Sub-soiler

It loosens the soil to a depth of 15 cm under the plough body. It promotes water infiltration, gas exchange and root exploration.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70

Furrow opener

The furrow opener enlarges the furrow base so that track markers equipped with wide tyres have better grip.Grégoire Besson Voyager S70


  1. 1.Compact, easy-to-handle, flexible....
  2. 2.Robust
  3. 3.Smart design
  4. 4.Available in-furrow or on-land
  5. 5.Compatible with different types of tractors
  1. 6.Forward centre of gravity, smooth lifting
  2. 7.Low drag, low fuel consumption
  3. 8.Wide choice of equipment for all types of soil
  4. 9.Self-aligning roller for consolidation
  5. 10.Excellent stability in the field and on the road
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Contact Information

 Contact Information

Maxville Farm Machinery

2508 County Rd 20
Maxville   Ontario , K0C 1T0

(613) 527-2834

Voyager S70
Category Name
Sale Type
Manufacturer Qty
400 hp
Working Width
4,50 m.
Semi-mounted Plough
from 5 to 9 furrows

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