
Grégoire-Besson Normandie T70


Rapid stubble ploughing
and ultra-simplified maintenance.

Normandie T70
Category Name
Sale Type
Manufacturer Qty
310 hp
Working Width
8,00 m.
Transport Width
3,00 m.
let’s talk about agronomy...

Residue Decomposition

The Normandie evenly distributes crop residues and organic matter in the surface layer.

The soil is enriched as organic matter is added by the humified residue and earth mixture.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70


When the Normandie passes with a depth no more than 5 cm, it creates conditions conducive to weed emergence by encouraging soil-seed contact.

Seed stock lifting is dependent on soil moisture and the choice of the roller. Once germinated, a final pass destroys weed emergence and reduces the surface seed stock by about 40%.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

Pest control

The Normandie destroys adult pests and eggs on the surface.

Slugs and insects are eliminated by either mechanical action or surface dehydration.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

Soil warming

All seeds need balanced conditions to germinate: water, air, heat and soil. With each pass, the Normandie brings moisture from the lower layer and aerates the soil. The soil then warms in the sun.

The independent disc harrow thus provides the conditions for rapid germination which in turn means good planting.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

Soil-seed contact

Germination begins when the seed absorbs a large amount of water. For the seed to have access to water, it is important that soil clods surrounding the seed are not too coarse. The seed can take water from the soil when it has good contact with the soil.

In order to start photosynthesis, the seed also needs to be in contact with air and light. The soil covering the seed must be loose enough for it to have access to oxygen and for its vertical development in both directions to be unrestricted.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

Erosion control

The combined actions of the discs and the Normandie rollers provide excellent soil structuring. By breaking open potential surface crusts, water infiltration and retention capacity is increased.

By creating a mulch and leaving behind micro-furrows, Normandie equipment helps to limit erosion. Wind effects are limited, water storage capacity is improved and evaporation is reduced during intercrop periods.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70


rollers and harrows for all types of soils, conditions and finishes

Impak roller

Row of roller wheels 540 mm diameter. Excellent finish in wet conditions, it gives even ground consolidation. The scrapers prevent soil build up and level between the roller wheel arches.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

Emopak V Roller

Flanged, contoured and notched roller wheels. Its mass makes it capable of good consolidation, leading to excellent in-line finishing. Well suited for self-seeding as it offers perfect soil-seed contact. It excels in dry, stony cloddy soils.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

Packer Roller

Roller tube with ridges. Ideal for breaking and consolidating medium and large clods, it is used in seedbed preparation. Suitable for wet or clay conditions, its scrapers prevent the clogging.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

Square bar roller

Aggressive on plant residues, it allows you to create a uniform mulch and accelerate stubble disintegration by maintaining a good level of moisture in the soil. It is lightweight and economical.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

Double square bar roller

Twice as active, it destroys the most resistant plant residues and leaves behind an excellent finish. The unit is mounted on a pivot to conform to the shape of the land.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70


simple transport and storage


Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

Width : 3,50 m.  (11,48 ft.)
Height : 1,50 m.  (4,92 ft.)


Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

Width : 4,00 m.  (13,12 ft.)
Height : 3,00 m.  (9,84 ft.)


Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

Width : 2,50 m.  (8,20 ft.)
Height : 3,60 m.  (11,81 ft.)


Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

Width : 3,00 m.  (9,84 ft.)
Height : 4,00 m.  (13,12 ft.)


Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

Width : 3,00 m.  (9,84 ft.)
Height : 4,30 m.  (14,10 ft.)


maintenance-free elastomer overload protection
Optimal safety with any disc type and in any condition.

Elastomer packing cushions and absorbs shocks and twists to the disc arms.

Its flat edge perfectly matches the disc train support tube. It thus avoids any lateral and vertical movement on the tube.

Exclusive to GB Group, this guarantees long service life.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70
The disc arms, permanently fixed by 6 bolts, are shaped for a better passage in plant debris and to avoid the accumulation of earth.

The reinforced arm shape ensures rigidity and avoids deformations at high speed.

The bearings, guaranteed for 5 years, are maintenance-free and give you peace of mind to concentrate on your work.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70


the largest selection of discs on the market

Small cut-aways

Grégoire Besson Normandie T70


  • Diameter: 460 mm
  • Thickness: 5 mm

Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

  • Diameter: 510 mm
  • Thickness: 5 mm

Grégoire Besson Normandie T70


  • Diameter: 560 mm
  • Thickness: 6 mm

Large cut-aways

Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

  • Diameter: 560 mm
  • Thickness: 6 mm


a question of angles

Perfect attack, entry and contouring

Unlike some competitors who leave the choice of angle open, Grégoire Besson brings you a unique yet perfect solution.

On all Normandie models, the angle of attack is 13.3 degrees. This allows the stubble harrow to attack residues or vegetation effectively. The angle was not chosen randomly, it is the result of a long series of tests and is the best trade-off between efficiency and fuel consumption.

The 5.2 degrees entry combined with the curve of the disk allows the entire working surface to be sliced even at very shallow depths.

At Grégoire Besson, we understand that mechanisation represents a significant financial burden for users and so the Normandie provides very low costs per hectare: fuel economy, low wear parts, working efficiency.Grégoire Besson Normandie T70

self-seeding, vegetation cover & soil preparation with a minimum of passes.

Grégoire Besson Normandie T70


1.Reduced costs per hectare
2.Simplified and economical maintenance
3.3 applications in 1 machine
4.Designed for high work output
5.Reinforced structure for high speeds
6.Optimized arm and disc angles
7.Rollers adapted to each finish
8.Great integration of residues
9.Simple transport and storage
10.Effective in all conditions



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Contact Information

 Contact Information

Maxville Farm Machinery

2508 County Rd 20
Maxville   Ontario , K0C 1T0

(613) 527-2834

Normandie T70
Category Name
Sale Type
Manufacturer Qty
310 hp
Working Width
8,00 m.
Transport Width
3,00 m.

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